
E10 Too many paths.

Having too many paths in a method makes the code harder to understand, maintain, and test. It increases complexity, reduces readability, and makes debugging challenging. Keeping methods concise and focused helps mitigate these issues and improves code quality.



class Test{

    public function tooManyPaths(string $letter){
        if($letter === 'a'){
          return 'A';

        if($letter === 'b'){

          return 'B';
        if($letter === 'c'){

          return 'C';

        if($letter === 'd'){

          return 'D';
        if($letter === 'e'){
          return 'E':

The tooManyPaths method already has too many paths, and we are still missing the other letters of the alphabet. To make this code block more readable, you can put all the letters and the desired return value into an array.



class Test{
    public function tooManyPaths(string $letter){
        $alphabet = [
            'a' => 'A',
            'b' => 'B',
            'c' => 'C',
            'd' => 'D',
            'e' => 'E',
        return $alphabet[$letter];